The Dancer's Links

Friends and Lovers
This is a view into the people in my personal dance. Please enjoy their creativity and expressions of the dance.
Favorite Points of Interest
These are some of the places that I call home on the web. I hope that you enjoy them as much as I do.
This is a place where parents can take their kids that are safe on the web for their young eyes.
Memberships of Web Design and Sitebuilding
These are the places that I am member of that are useful to web designers everywhere.
Free Email
These are the places where one can get Web based email.
Role Playing Games These are the places of the Major Role Playing Companies.
Free Web Sites
These are the places offer free web sites.
Computer Hardware and Software CompaniesThese are sites of the Major Computer companies. I am not endorsing them, I just put them here for useful resources.
Online Services These are places that one can go to get internet access.
Email me. Click Here
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